We stay amazed at the hand of God on
our lives. So much happens it is hard to keep up with, but keep up we do. Often
times the things that happen don’t look or feel good. In fact it can sometimes
be quite depressing when nothing seems to work and it is hard to see a good
future ahead. But we will trust in the Lord. The bible says “And we know that God causes
all things to work together for good to those who love God,
to those who are called according to His purpose”.
7/6/12 Friday
As you can see, my entry for Tuesday
never got finished. I really have no idea where I was going with that, what had
spurred this entry. But that is a common issue for me with the memory loss. I
am sure I got distracted and thus it was never finished.
Today will be a busy day, as all days
tend to be. We had rain two nights ago and the ground retains a little moisture
so I am rushing to plant blackeyed peas with the hope they will come up and
survive this drought. But it is important that I update what has been going on
in our life for there are many of you who follow with great interest what goes
on in our little world.
So here are the highlights. I will
start with a statement designed to attract interest, which is why it is the
title of this post. Everything went wrong!!! I have noticed that whenever the
title of my blog post denotes something bad happening my viewership skyrockets.
This is basic human nature. Bad news always draws more attention. There are
those who care for us and what happens and there are a few who look for us to
fail, so both parties will investigate negative titles. But that is all good as
whenever something bad happens blessings come. So I am posting a negative title
for today’s entry to insure many will hear of God’s goodness.
seems that all of a sudden nothing worked right and what did decided not to.
This all started on June 20th. That by the way was our 8th
wedding anniversary. Of course I had forgotten that as I wasn’t cognizant of the
date at all and probably wasn’t even aware what day of the week it was. That
was the day that both of our vehicles broke down so we were literally without
any transportation, other than getting rides from friends.
(I've taken lots of pictures of the many abandoned homesteads that litter the landscape out here)
Other things went bad as well. The
motor on our swamp cooler is going bad, Cherie’s job seems to have become very
unstable, the wheel broke on the lawnmower I use the most, because it has a
grass catcher. I lost the job we started a company for when they demanded I get
an insurance policy that costs almost as much as the income it produces.
Coyotes have systematically wiped out my watermelons just as they become ripe.
Rabbits destroyed 90% of the cantaloupes we planted. The person who was going
to back us in the creation of an RV park decided to chase after riches
somewhere else. The company that replaced the water well pump, that was going
to be covered by the same person who was backing the RV park, got mad because
the eleven hundred dollar bill hasn’t been paid on so threatened to come out
and remove the pump and equipment. My doctor at the VA suddenly canceled my
pain medication prescription, stating that the lab tests showed I wasn’t taking
them at all. This is despite reading the same tests to me last month, stating
it all looked good, and continuing the prescription. So very strange, as he
says it now reads absolutely 0 as far as the medication showing in my system.
(you can see the scars where coyotes try to break open this watermelon)
So let me tell you of the blessings
that have come because of all this. We called some good friends just to get a
ride home when my truck died. They are people we met at First Baptist in
Midland and are part of our family of real Christians. I say “real Christians”
because we understand that there are many who wear that label but don’t live it
out in what they practice. I have no condemnation for people like that, only
sadness and hope they will learn the joys of living for Christ and understand
the consequences of hypocrisy.
I digress. So what has happened is
some of that family decided to pay for Cherie’s truck to get fixed. It was in
bad shape and is still in the shop today as the mechanic seeks to discover why
the brakes are mushy. It has new ball joints now. The old ones were so bad the
truck’s front end could have literally fallen apart anytime. A particularly
dangerous possibility if such a thing should happen driving down the interstate
at 75 miles per hour. I was able to fix the starter on my diesel. Seems that
the bolts holding it on had broken and bent. We feared major engine damage at
the noise it had made but had great relief to hear it running well once I got
the starter on.
Now let me tell of how God foresees
the future, and knowing what will happen puts things in place beforehand for
that. Some other friends, also from First Baptist, had purchased a new car
about a week prior to our vehicles dying. She had decided to donate her old car
and was going to call the church office to ask if they knew of someone in need.
Just before she did she read an email circulated through the Sunday school
class we had met them through and learned of our situation.
We were just returning from a fantastic
Christian play in Post, Texas (you should look this up, as it is a playhouse in
the middle of nowhere that puts on wonderful musical plays that rival what is
found in major cities. Look up Ragtime gospel) when Cherie’s phone rang. As we
traveled down the road, with the people who had blessed us with tickets and a
ride to the play, I listened to Cherie talk on the phone in the back seat. Now
I can only hear her half of the conversation but knew something good had happened
when she started to cry tears of joy as she said “Thank you” repeatedly.
Then Cherie got a phone call that we
were not expecting. She had applied for a job weeks before and when there was
no response figured she did not get it. The job would have been perfect as the
company had just built its new facility just five miles from our house. They
informed her that she was hired. Praise God for this is a full time job that
offers fully paid medical benefits. Part of our stress has been our lack of and
inability to afford medical insurance for Cherie. She has been fighting pain
and other issues for quite a while now and we have many times avoided going to
a doctor or even the emergency room because we could not afford it. This job
even has a dental plan, one of her biggest needs. She is at work now and loves
the new job.
You see how, when things look darkest,
the hand of God makes itself known? I believe in a real and living God, who
still performs miracles. But you have to understand that much of this required
those who are part of the body of Christ to act, to see a need and meet it.
This is what the bible says. 1 John,
chapter 3:16 This is how we
know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay
down our lives for our brothers. 17 If anyone has material possessions
and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be
in him? 18 Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with
actions and in truth.
And also we find in James, chapter 2:14
What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds?
Can such faith save him? 15 Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food.
16 If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep
warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good
is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by
action, is dead. 18 But someone will say, "You have faith; I have
deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by
what I do.
And this is where the rubber meets the
road friends. I know I preach a little, but after all I am a preacher, though
maybe not the kind most folks think of. I don’t have a church building with a
pulpit to stand behind, but that is not for everyone. When I am at the jail I
am often asked “Where is your church?”. My response is “It is right here. My
church is anywhere I go”. Eventually though, I need to find a place where I can
teach and guide those I lead to know the Lord. It always bothers me to lose
contact with some when they are released from jail. I pray for them and wonder
how they are doing.
So that’s it for now. There is much
work to do on the farm. We were able to bless one of the widows we care for.
She has been fighting depression so Cherie and I spent a day visiting with her
the other day. Depression is a hard thing to overcome, I know as both of us
have battled with it. So pray for us, that God guides and uses us where there
is need, for there is so much need. Bye now.
interesting post! I love reading an Article like this,,,more!
Such a very interesting post. Thanks for providing us this very helpful article.
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