Seems like it should be Tuesday and it’s already Friday. I’ve been busy and guess that makes time fly by faster. Got another letter from the VA regarding our appeal of their devastating decision to collect from us the veteran’s pension funds I’d received for five years. It’s clear they have no desire to admit making any mistake and look rather for any reason to justify their actions, so the fight goes on. Meantime we suffer, and are exempted from all USDA programs for our farm, along with any other federal program we might apply for.
5/22/11 Sunday
Wow, I looked at the blog and saw that the last entry I made was May 4. In my busy days and the increased prison ministry activity I become unaware of other things, like keeping up my journal. In my mind, with the memory problems, I think I wrote in it just a few days ago, when it’s actually been closer to three weeks.
A thunderstorm that didn't get here. No rain that day.
5/23/11 Monday
Cherie has jury duty this morning. I intend to get out to work on the farm before it gets too hot so this will be short. Hope to fill in the last three weeks soon but history shows that when I go work hard, I hurt bad, and don’t seem to get much writing done, so we’ll see. Things are tight, Cherie will start school soon, so there is no income for the house. I’ve sent out feelers for side jobs with everyone I know but there have been no responses. We’ll trust in God and do the best we can.
What you see is the last entries I've made in my journal. All of them short and incomplete. Oh well, here's some pictures
Flower on our cactus
These lighted display cases are for sale. Best offer. We're selling a lot of stuff, or at least trying too.
Some of the sand dunes that have sprung up in many places as the drought continues. We did get enough rain to soak the top two inches of soil. Everything below that was bone dry and it's all evaporated away now.
The first thousand corn plants have come up and are surviving. Buddy is rushing to help me, as he always does.
Working hard to till while there was some moisture in the ground. This area will have black eyed peas, after I install the drip irrigation tape underground. Spent two days tilling every area we intend to plant. Will be lots of melons, okra, and other things
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