9/9/08 Tuesday
When we moved here from Ohio it seemed like we brought the rain with us. Now that I’ve returned it’s been steady raining. Perhaps the next time there is a drought I should run to Toledo and bring some rain back? Anyway, it’s wet and cool today. When I talked to Mark about going to the composting seminar this evening he asked if we got any rain yesterday. I couldn’t answer because I couldn’t remember if we did or not. Cherie let me know that not only did we have rain but it was a good strong rain that left a lake at the end of our drive.
I actually have put on a long sleeve t-shirt for today. The high is only going up to seventy two degrees. I guess I’m getting acclimated to West Texas heat because the sixty or so degrees it is right now feels cold to me. A couple of years ago I would wear a t-shirt outside when it was forty. There is a light mist coming down so everything is wet. This won’t help me when it comes to mowing the weeds but the wet ground makes pulling them much easier. I am so grateful that we now have the equipment and tools needed to deal with these weeds, thanks to our friends in church.
So there is much to do. The animals have been a problem the last couple of days. Our kittens kept going out to the middle of the highway to play. I chased them off a few times but they seemed to think it was a game and stubbornly run right back out. This morning one of them knocked over a big container I had carefully put sunflower seeds harvested from our flowers in to dry. Of course Rascal and Trixie keep stealing things off the kitchen counter and chewing them up. Scooter, the little white dog that showed up a few weeks ago, still walks down the middle of 829 (the road that runs in front of our house). I keep hearing cars and trucks honking their horns at it as they go by. This has been influencing our two. Rascal and Trixie have been forgetting the lessons I ingrained and have been wandering out to the road. Gretchen commonly crosses the highway as well so that doesn’t help. I can’t do much with the strays when it comes to training them. If they get run over they get run over. I just hope they don’t cause a wreck and hurt someone. Rascal and Trixie are the ones we are attached to so if anything happened to them it would break our hearts. I think Scooter introduced fleas to the other pets because they all have them. I may have to trap Scooter. This way we can clean him up (Yep, it’s a he) and perhaps even get him to trust us so we can come close. It’s fear of humans leads me to believe it was abused. Someone took down the poster I put up with Scooter’s picture at the post office. I’ll check IGA to see if that one is still there.
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