Thursday, March 16, 2006

End of a day, not real lucid

I know I need to get the rest of today down but I am wiped. Cherie fixed salmon patties with a homemade cream sauce and peas that was great. I am working to stay awake. The MS luncheon was great and Wayne got allot out of it. I took lots of pictures and will post the good ones here. Out of respect for some of the victims of my camera I will not post all of them.
Denise takes a great picture as her spirit comes through. I need to buy a color cartridge so I can print the ones I took of her and “Squiggy” for her.
I didn’t do to bad though all the activity did overload me a little slowing me down.
When some of the MS lunch bunch heard we were going to move to Texas they were concerned and said they would miss me. I assured them this was not going to be a quick move, that I would be around a while.
It was…I don’t know how to put it. I’m not used to being liked or accepted or something. I guess it just surprised me that these people who had only met me a few times would feel this way. That is probably from the insecurity amplified when the Cedar Creek church “suggested” that Cherie and I find another church.
It is good to be liked. I just am afraid of it. I feel safer with just Cherie and a small number of others. What a paradox. I made cards to get people to read this blog but am uncomfortable with real contact. With the blog I can talk to the world but keep a distance. Enough of that crap. I’m kinda slow right now. Here are some pictures. I’m going to call it a night.
We picked up the truck and got the storage unit. Tomorrow I go pick up the scraps left of my old companies.

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