Monday, March 13, 2006

A walk in the park

The walk in the park was great as always. The ground was pretty mushy in some spots from all the rain we had last night and this morning when the front that caused all the tornadoes in Missouri and Illinois rolled through.
You can see from the pictures just how flooded things are. Cherie was real tired because she was on her feet all day at work. As we walked we both heard a snort. Cherie looked at me and said “Did you hear that?”. “Yeah honey, that’s a deer. They stay out of sight till it gets closer to sunset” I let her know. A few feet farther up the path Cherie said “Look” and pointed into the woods.I couldn’t see it till it moved. It was a big doe.
Cherie has sharp eyes that can discern things through the thick leafless forest. And I’m supposed to be the woodsman.

We went on down the path we usually take, taking in the remarkable changes and flooding from the storm. When we got to Swan Creek it was way over its banks. I took pictures as Cherie looked for more deer. We didn’t find any, which was no surprise.

We got to the platform that overlooks two tributaries that come together and feed the creek. It is one of the places we usually stop and rest at. I took some pictures and as you can see Cherie stretched out and relaxed. By now the sun had come out and brightened the forest up.

Cherie and I basked in it and went on talking about how we would miss this part of Ohio. While we were looking at the flooded woods I told Cherie to take a good look, “We won’t see water like this in Texas”.

I took more pictures and this was when I got the one showing the clouds and edge of the forest. Cherie was wearing out so we came home. We didn’t feel like a big dinner so I melted some cheese with salsa and we had that with chips. Of course we had to finish up with some of the Bear tracks ice cream Cherie had picked up yesterday. Now we are watching 24 though Cherie is doing some of the sewing she loves. I think I will call it a night now.

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