New years eve, another day. Ever since I woke up things like this aren’t all that significant to me. Christmas, my birthday, New Years are all basically seem like just another day. What is significant for me right now is it’s winter and I must plan on what I will plant and when I need to do so. How Cherie is doing is very important, how I am doing as far as thoughts and getting along with others is important too. Every day I wake up is a gift as far as I am concerned. I don’t have a date for when I woke from the coma but it was just before Christmas. Actually there really isn’t a date I guess cause coming out of a coma took days or perhaps weeks of gradually regaining cognizance. I do remember the first time I talked or at least tried to, and how the nurse ran out and got the doctors. That means it’s now been seven years since I woke up, give or take a few weeks. Seven…a biblically significant number. Hmm…Does that mean anything? Probably not. What I see is the miracle of how life and love have been restored. What I foresee is great increase in the quality of that life and love. We moved here last November so we have lived on this farm for a year now. We have friends and a sense of belonging. We have the puppies, a great source of joy. Carman kitty has always been here with us. So it’s been a good year of restoration and rebuilding though it’s been a hard road with much to overcome. I suppose New Years Eve is a time to reflect so is more than just another day. Have a good next year folks.
It’s going down to sixteen or so degrees tonight and will be cold for the next few so it’s important to make sure we have firewood. I cut another large branch off the mulberry last week and we’ve been heating with that. There’s still lots left I can cut and split but Chuck and Lillian have a big pile of pecan wood already cut so I am taking them up on the offer to get as much as we want.
This morning I took the dogs for a walk and went the half mile to the well to make sure it’s in good shape. It was and there is no evidence of the rat so that’s great. The damn rat that moved from the henhouse to the garage is still doing well. The sucker has figured out how to snap the traps and then eat the bait. It’s not going to be easy to get rid of but I’ll have to because they can do so much damage. Sure miss having Skittles around. It’d be nice to find another feral cat to keep around and reduce the rat population. When I came in out of the cold I got an instant headache. Not fun but aspirin cured it quickly.
Just got back from getting the wood. Tommy came out and helped me load it up. He’s a nice guy. We talked for a while about living in West Texas. He came here from Missouri to get away from the drugs and problems they bring. I can relate and said that one of the things I like about being here is it also keeps me away from that kind of temptation. In Toledo I can find anything I want and had many “friends” who would be happy to draw me back into problems. Here I don’t have those type of contacts and can pick my friends carefully, thus reducing the likelihood of ever slipping.
We are fixin to run to Midland where I will walk Steve and Janie’s dogs. See ya when we get back. Maybe.
Have an extra great 2008. Your friend, Don S.
May God bless you and Cherie in 2008. God has blessed us with your friendship. Jen P
Happy New Year, Bob and Cherie!! We love y'all!
Bob and Cherie, Happy New Year from South Texas!
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