We are taking the puppies to the vet this morning. Watched them like a hawk when we let em out for their morning duties. Now that I have the fencing Steve and Janie’s neighbors gave us I will try to build a fence to keep them in the back yard.
I am lucky that I can still see enough on this screen to use this laptop. Hope we are able to get the used screen on E bay. It’s gonna be a hot and humid day but not as bad as yesterday. Only supposed to go to 96 degrees.
Just got back from the vet. The puppies are fine but I am having a real hard time moving around. The pain level is way up there despite taking a pain pill this morning. I wasn’t able to carry the crate with both puppies in it. At the vets I sat on the ground to let them get on my lap, thus feeling more comfortable. Getting back up was so obviously hard Cherie offered to help. I don’t know if the weather is changing or what but this is tough. Perhaps it’s from working on the driveway border and picking up all the rocks. Cherie’s back isn’t doing much better either. The Chiropractor wasn’t happy with what he found and he had to work to get the small of her back in place or whatever it is he does with it. She will go back again next week. Tomorrow Cherie goes to Lubbock for the class she needs to take for her job checking cotton crops. If her back doesn’t get better it will be hard for her to go out into the fields.
I’m gonna take another pain pill so I can get some stuff done. It’s a couple of hours sooner than the doctor said but I’ll be alright, just don’t to lay around in pain when there is so much to do. Maybe it will be a good time to work on the bible study and internet research. That way I can lay down and still get something done. That will probably help the pain go down and give the pain pill time to start working. At least I’m not slow, running an average seven on the bob scale.
Cherie had picked up some kind of reading pillow that helps you sit up in bed. I haven’t tried to use it before but we just set it up with some pillows and it helps a lot.
I have to wonder of the people at the first church of Stanton have any idea what I go through. I know Tricia said I need to forget about it, quit letting how we weren’t accepted bother me, but I can’t. Our vet told us this morning that she has been going there for ten years and still does not feel accepted. It’s not that I don’t want to just erase this from my mind but I must hold the same standard to myself I hold to them. I feel an obligation to open their eyes to themselves, not for me but for them, and every person who walks through those doors. If you’re going to wear the label “Christian” then you need to wear it in a way that honors the one you call Lord. To do otherwise only reinforces the view of the church many have, that it is full of hypocrites. That’s a number one excuse to not attend church. Pastor asked in an E mail if I was just looking for hypocrites. No, they are too easy to find, I was and am looking for those who live according to their belief. We have found many now in Midland, or perhaps they found us, and it is having a positive effect on me and my doubts. Don’t get me wrong, there are some good people we met at first church of Stanton but they never really reached out. I suppose we must accept some blame here for we never invited anyone specifically out here for dinner or something but I did ask several times for any of them to come out and visit.
1 comment:
Hi Bob! Sorry you are in such pain. My arthritis has been acting up lately, I don't know if it is all the rain, humidity or what.
I am afraid that I have to agree with Tricia when she said you need to forget about it. You are giving those people and Satan way too much control. Focus on the good friends you are meeting now (Christian and non-Christian) and thank God for them. The others at FBC Stanton don't realize what they lost when they rejected your friendship. You are a great guy, I can testify to that personally since I have personally met you LOL, and been to your house. You and Cherie are great people, and my only regret is that we don't live closer so we could help each other. (Watch out I may head down there and set up house in your bus! LOL!)
Somethings I do for my arthritis pain is to take a warm bath, and to take my medicine right BEFORE I go to bed. A nurse friend suggested this to me, and it works. Primarily (she says) because your body tends to be more relaxed at night, and allows the medicine to work, and then you can actually move in the morning when you get up. Don't forget to take one again right when waking up, and hopefully you will be able to get through the day.
I'll be praying! Love, Amy
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