Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pray for a better day

as always you can click to enlarge. See the rainbow forming in the center?

7/21/09 Tuesday
I pray today will be better than yesterday. I pray that I can make wise decisions on which of the many tasks before me I tackle. Then I pray that I can actually complete a task. Tuesday is a poop scoop day and I need to do my laundry so I’ll be running to Midland. Blackeyed peas need to be picked so I hope to get some orders so I can deliver them while in town. Once picked they only last a few days. Eventually I’ll have a fridge we can use to store produce in, thus extending their life.

I put my fisherman’s headlight on and worked till 11:00 last night, hoping to make up some of the time I lost yesterday. This is actually a good time to work as it is much cooler. What I did was run the mower over the weeds that have grown up in several places and put the clippings in a compost bin to get another batch started. Then I mowed over the corn I had chopped down yesterday to also add it to the compost. After that I raked the rows clean to prepare for my fall planting. Not sure what I’ll plant. Cherie has a list somewhere of what needs to be planted when. I wonder if it’s too late to plant watermelons? Never did get the fencing put up around the area dedicated to melons. The Sunday school class put the posts in this spring but the roll of fencing is still sitting out there. It’s a job that requires two people and there is only one of me. Besides that one row of fencing isn’t enough to go around the area.

I am also planning on creating another area for blackeyed peas. It’s time to get a fall crop of them in the ground. The existing peas are losing their vigor as they approach the end of their productivity. Last year I planted the fall crop too late and they got caught in a freeze. It might not have been too late, an early freeze might have happened. I can’t remember.

Don’t know what the weather will be. We can no longer get any of the local stations due to everything going digital. The God’s Learning Channel on 42 comes in along with 24, which is Fox. That’s it except on rare occasions channel 2 ABC comes in along with the PBS station. That only happens at night when the sun goes down. So local news and weather aren’t available.
I came in at noon. Didn’t know it was noon, just that I was hot and should take a break. Grabbed something to drink and turned on the TV to the GLC channel. Listened to their news, which covers things you never hear about on the regular news channels. Things about Israel, the Mideast, and North Korea. It is clear that our media is slanted and I think controlled by not only government but strongly influenced by the Islamic world, who’s money and oil the world is held hostage by. It’s time for me to start writing in the Balaam’s ass blog I have, to begin teaching. There is so much that needs to be said in these last days, so much that needs to be revealed and exposed. It’s no accident that I was raised from the dead. God has a plan and reason for this. I have been plagued by doubts since I woke up but I must move past them. I suppose that is what faith means, to look past your doubts and believe despite them, to trust what you can’t see.

There’s work to do. Guess I should whip up a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to fuel this body so I can keep going.

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