9/16/07 Sunday
It’s been a good day. In my mind any day I wake up is a good day. Some are just harder than others. I was fairly sharp this morning but had a hard time operating my right leg. The pain level is less than yesterday so that’s good. We returned the microwave that our Sunday school class had loaned us. During class my phone rang. I usually put it on manner mode to prevent this from happening. Seeing it was Janie and also that she was calling repeatedly I walked out to take the call. “What ya doin” she asked when I answered. “I’m in the middle of Sunday school” I said and listened to her “oops”. She wanted to let us know that they had left thirty cleaned dove in a cooler on our back door. They had gone hunting this morning and quickly reached their limit. Janie told me how to cook them. I told Cherie about the dove and got the reaction I expected. For Cherie eating a dove would be like eating her pet dog. She loves the sound of doves out here in the mornings as I do as well. Cherie is a city girl and uncomfortable with the thought of eating any animal that she finds endearing such as “a little lamby” or Bambi. I respect that. So we have thirty dove. After church we went to the grocery store to get jalapeƱo peppers, onions, bacon, and mushrooms to cook the dove with.
We got home and found the dove. Little bitty things. It’s been forty years since I had dove. One of the things my dad did with us that didn’t become terribly unpleasant was take us dove hunting. Some of the rare pleasant memories I have of home involved these times. I’m not sure if I ever got one but I can remember shooting at them. It was my job to clean the birds later. These are dim memories as so many of mine are but any memories that remain in this mind I treasure.
I cooked the dove and they are good. Cherie tried a bite of one at my insistence. She wasn’t thrilled but that’s ok. I had a bad slow down while cooking. As far as the partial seizures go this one affected the physical side of my brain though it had me stuttering also. It tired me out, just sucked away my energy and left me working to keep my eyes open. I finished eating and laid down.
I'm proud of Cherie for at least trying the dove, but I'm with her! Hope you felt better after resting.
It took a minute but I see a Indian playing a wooden flute hidden in the picture. Her work is amazing!
Took me a minute, too. At first all I saw was the hand, but then the head slowly came into focus. :)
Wish I could help you eat that dove! Sounds wonderful.
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