9/17/07 Monday
We’ve got lots to do for tomorrow we head out for Albuquerque for my neurology appointment. I am so lucky to be a veteran for otherwise I would be getting no medical attention. It’s a nine hour drive. The last time we hit the road at five in the morning to make the appointment but now that we discovered the VA pays for motel stays we are able to drive up the day before and not rush. Coming back will be more relaxed also for we can spend the night in Albuquerque after the appointment. It will give us a chance to explore the sites in the area. Cherie has cleaned out the fridge to insure nothing rots while we are gone. I’m running our trash to the landfill for similar reasons, don’t want it attracting wild critters. I’m scrubbing the floor of the puppy room and will put the sealer on the floor tomorrow after we take the puppies to the kennel. That way it will have three days to cure. So I best get moving.
Lots ------------------------------
I had one of those loss of emotional control episodes. These don’t happen much anymore but when they do are still disturbing. I know the doctors all say this is a normal part of traumatic brain injuries but I also know there are training programs to help you deal with it. I am able to control it much better. Don’t cry in public much except sometimes when I tell of how Cherie and me got back together. Even that happens less.
So I went to the landfill. As usual I looked around for things I could use and saw an old wood table that looked sturdy. I thought it would be useful in the shop so loaded it in the truck. Then I saw an old Steelcase desk. I’ve needed a sturdy surface to put the big vise I have on and this would be perfect. Unfortunately I was unable to make a decision on it because I would have had to unload the table and the ninety five pound bag of cement was still in the truck. By the time I got home I decided the desk would be good so I hurried up and unloaded the truck and ran back out to the landfill. Just as I got there I saw a guy loading the desk onto his trailer. I asked if he would sell it but he said no. That’s when I started getting angry. I was mostly angry with myself, that I couldn’t make a decision right away and thus robbed myself. By the time I got home I was boiling over. Finding the puppies had returned to tearing the stuffing out of the spare mattress set it off. Now I cussed and kicked the trash cans. It’s embarrassing. Then I sat in the garage and picked dill seed till I settled down.
2 eagles. Now I am going to see if I can find one of her pieces on ebay so I can have one. They are beautiful!
I'm having an angry day as well, and I came home and let 3 people pull my chain, and I said God this isn't good for my blood pressure or heart and in the grand scheme Who care's what horrible things they say or do to me.? I am more blessed and after talkin g to myself I'm better. I love this blog Bob and Cherie.It is a blessing to me . I hope you get a little laughter and blessing from my daily daisy , also I have and have had many friends in Texas, some are gone. My friend coached at Texas A and M and a former beau is in Houston , and Arlington ,etc. Now the picture with the fox is there anything there??I got these 2 .Bless you both and the puppies being puppies..
anything in the heron picture??
There are actually three eagles Peggy. Good luck finding Beverly Doolittle prints. They are rare and expensive. We just buy a calendar every year so we can get twelve copies of her work. That's the poor mans way of getting fine art.
Sandy, I was mostly mad at myself. It's frustrating to not be as smart as I used to. I do love your blog http://www.daisyville.blogspot.com/ and go there to lift my spirits on a regular basis. The picture with the fox is the one I will put up tomorrow. I'll tell what's in it after everyone gets a chance to figure it out. As far as I know there is nothing hidden in the Heron picture. I think it's a commentary on the symmetry of nature.
I actually saw the eagles more easily without enlarging the picture.
This is fun...
And oh yeah...be safe on your road trip and have a blast in ABQ! I love that place.
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