Thursday, September 17, 2009

Our friends are gone

9/17/09 Thursday
Our friends are gone now. It was with great sadness I saw them off at the airport. But it was sadness mixed with joy. There is so much to say. I’m starting a private journal where I can record thoughts that won’t be shared with the world. Been needing to do this for a while.

Ron Charles was Cherie’s Sunday school teacher so that’s where the connection began. Many of you know the story of how Cherie and I met and fell in love at Christ for the Nations Bible Institute, for those who don’t follow the “Love Story” link on the right. Ron was in our wedding, that would be our first wedding. I had the privilege of being a founding member of the church he built. He would take me out street witnessing to the drug addicts and prostitutes in downtown Toledo. Pretty much the real deal, nothing fake about Ron then or now. So we built a church that’s still there now, New Life Assembly, in Oregon, Ohio. Ron was there as our marriage was torn apart by forces we could not control. It ripped his heart out as bad as it did ours. There was so much pain and heartache during that time, so much. So Cherie left town and I left God. Now, over twenty years later, things are being restored in ways I could never have imagined. These last three days are another chapter in that restoration. Hearing the things Ron is doing for the Lord, the sacrifices he makes along with his wife Paula as they minister to Muslim’s who have converted to Christianity is helping to restore my faith in the God I once served. That is the last and largest restoration that needs to be completed.

I am tired now so will rest.
I’ve been working on Cherie’s truck all day now. Her turn signal and the brake light on the passenger side quit working when Ron and Paula came but we were too busy with them for me to fix it. Well fixing it isn’t coming easy. The light bulbs all work just fine so something else is wrong. I’ve pulled the wires loose and tested them with the ohm meter but don’t understand how to interpret the readings. Then I found a light bulb that was burned out in the front and hoped that was the source of the problem. Nope, not going to happen. Then I thought that perhaps the trailer lights plug I’d hooked up was the cause so I cut it off. I had the lights on when I did it and all the lights on the passenger side turned off, the ones in the back. The front lights still work. So I’m stumped. I came in, fixed a piece of bread with peanut butter and honey on it and laid down to think. I hadn’t eaten lunch before thinking of fasting as I sought God but wasn’t doing too hot as it was so ate. Now that I’ve sat back for a bit I’ll go work on the lights again.

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