Sunday, December 04, 2005

12305 Saturday

12/3/05 Saturday
     This morning I am a little slow. Running about a 6 on the Bob scale. I checked my E mail and saw another one from LA publishing. They specialize on brain injury and had published my story. I would like to buy some of their stuff on TBI but keep forgetting and we don’t have a credit card. Tried to use our bank debit/credit card but it won’t work. I read the story I wrote and was surprised to see it close to the top of the many stories they have. When I figure out how I will put a link on the blog to them. There are a few other links I want to put on when I learn how. I did send them an E mail to give a short update and let them know I have a blog.
     Cherie is such a sweet heart and is worried about my problems with Christianity as it is today. She leaves little things like the newsletter from our church or my Bible where I can see them. It bothers her when I make fun of some of the extremes I have seen like blaming your problems on demons and casting them out. I will try to quit doing that.
     Today I will go over to Allen’s and spend some time with him. His depression is getting bad as he called and asked if I would. He seldom calls so I know it must be eating at him. He is suicidal and with his pain and addiction to the pain pills it can be touch and go. I will keep encouraging him to get into the system for medical help. He has no reliable source of income and distrusts doctors. Bad combination when you really need help.

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